Tuesday, 17 July 2012

India Govt to support textile industry by extending TUFS

Indian Government will support the textile industry by continuing its Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (TUFS) for next five years.

According to Indian media reports, Anand Sharma, India’s Commerce, Industry and Textile Minister announced today after the inauguration of Tex-Trends India Expo held in the capital city, New Delhi, the Indian government’s decision to continue its popular TUFS scheme in the 12th five year plan period (2012-2017), which began this April.

Government of India has estimated an outlay for this scheme to be $ 3.17 billion (Rs. 15, 886 crores) for the 12th five year plan period. This is $ 777.2 million (Rs. 3,886 crores) more than the allocation done during the 11th Five Year Plan that ended in March 2012.

The spinning sector of the Indian textile industry has been successful in utilizing the TUFS scheme and the upstream sectors such as weaving and technical textiles are yet to go on high gear with this scheme.

[ News Source ]



India Government is trying its best to work, Hope it is the beginning of new era:

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